Well, I clearly suck at this. Last week I was basically out of commission. I had to sub at the box factory while someone was on vacation as well as tutor every day. This forced me to get up early and had me occupied until about 4pm every day. I also had softball playoff games every day at 7, so any free time I had was spent taking naps. As for the two weeks before that, I have no excuse. So pretty much no carving took place last week. But I made up for lost time this weekend. I put up some more vacation pictures last night and just put up a large carving update today. I had planned to be through all the vacation pictures by now, but, as I said, I suck. One more batch to go, and then I'll give you some extra info on Ric. He's moderately famous. Or at least more famous than anyone else I know personally.
As for Jesus, my plan is to have the carving finished in the next 2-3 days and then start painting. If all goes well he will be complete by Sunday. My schedule is fairly open this week, with just one last championship softball game tonight and one hour of tutoring on Wednesday since everyone is on vacation, so I should be able to finish on time.
Onesie Dress
13 years ago
Our tale beings with the journey of a young man. Let's call him Max. It's his middle name really, but that's what I call him, so you should call him that too. So Christian departs in the early afternoon on Wednesday, July 1, 2009. Oh, Christian is his first name. Christian Max Caterina. Ok, so my brother goes to Pennsylvania. But why would anyone go to that hell hole, you ask? A fair question, but one with a reasonable answer nonetheless. Pennsylvania is the ancestral home of his girlfriend. Maybe. She lives there. Ancestral sounds more epic.

But what sets this journey apart from any other? Ah yes, that age old event that we all face at some point in our lives: major spinal surgery. Faithful followers may recall that our hero (me, not him) was able to coax this from a simple wooden dowl with nothing but his force of will:
As mentioned in this album's description, this mystical flower is likely the only thing that could ensure the success of the surgery. So Max took the flower, ever so carefully, and left on his quest to align the spine. Well, he'll just be sitting there really, hoping for the best.
That portion of our story should come to an end in just one day, but when will we know the ending? For me the answer is tomorrow. But for you, not so fast. Wait, I'm going to see Mike and Judy tomorrow, so for them, also tomorrow. But anyone else, not so fast. Because tomorrow I depart on my own journey. The first leg takes me to the new Hurlewang home. A magically unfurnished place where I will certainly have the pleasure of helping my "hosts" move into the place of hosting. I will toil under the burden of their harsh regiment of games and stuff until I escape on Monday to The Land of a Thousand Sunshine State of California.
There I will meet up with a band of follow travellers, who go by the names my brothers and sister and the girlfriend of my other brother who goes by the name Lucia. There we begin the true purpose of this journey: to visit family in California, some of which I have not seen in over seven years. You see, they use to make the trip out here quite regularly, but as they have grown older, gotten married, and had children they are able to do so with greatly diminished frequency. And as we get older, aren't married, and have no children it's now our turn to do all the work and spend all the money to go see them. So this is where I will be until July 15th. Until then you get no new pictures or posts. Though the posting thing you should be use to by now. But before I go, I drink from my deep reservoir of faith and ask my Buddy Christ to watch over everyone in my absence. But since he's only really half finished I only expect half of you to make it.
Ok, I'm done. That took an hour to do. Go back and read it over and over for an hour so we're even.