Sunday, March 8, 2009

generically titled post to honor generically titled baseball stuff with dionysum

What up what up. Working on Hermes now. Hermes is a female spirochete. That's not true, but it sounds kinda like parakeet. The truth is I have no idea what Hermes is other than bird. The real question here is why have you named your female bird after a male god? I'm speaking to the mainlanders here. How many people are thoroughly confused at this point? I hope at least one of you. So yeah, working on a bird.

I'll probably update the coming attractions stuff tomorrow, but up next will be another bird. I normally don't like to do two similar things in a row, but my boy Azziz (pronounced Ozzie (this is an inside joke that only he and I will understand (note the rare use of triple parathenses here, somthing only a pro can manage (pro at what I have no idea)))) is graduating from law school in May. He goes to The U and has settled on some bird related to The U with some symbol related to The U on it. Anyway, check for something on that tomorrow.

Finally, EMG has started a baseball blog. For those of you that care about baseball, check it out. I linked to it in the read or else section. My hope is there will be some trash talking here or there once the season starts. Or now. Hahahahah Carl Pavano. And you can't come back at me with A-Rod. That's just too cliche.

There were actually a lot of respectable (which means insulting to normal people) comments the last two weeks. Unfortunately they're kind of spread out. But if you're bored start here and then when you run out of those you can move to here.


  1. I can't think of any other Yankees, past or present, to make fun of. I'll make sure to post all the names I can't think of in the coming days.



    A teacher asks her students if they're Yankees fans. All of the hands go up except for one student. "Okay, Bobby. What team are you a fan of?"

    "The Red Sox."

    "Why's that?" "Well, my parents are both Red Sox fans, so I'm a Red Sox fan too."

    "That's not a good answer, Bobby. If your parents were both morons, would you be a moron too?"

    "No, that would make me a Yankees fan!"


    I'm the best.
